When my son, Rocco, was diagnosed with autism, I searched high and low for a support group that would allow me to thrive and be a strong guide for him. I figured there HAD to be one, right?

I attended meetings with high hopes that I would leave feeling empowered and supported. I was shocked not only by the fact that this didn’t happen, but also because I left the support groups feeling WORSE than before.

It was frustrating. Here I was, a vibrant, motivated mother who was actively seeking tools to help both me and my child, and there was nobody who’d been through the trenches and come out the other side thriving to lead me or be my role model. 

I can’t properly articulate how demoralizing it feels when the people you’re supposed to look to for help don’t know how to help you. 

11 years later, I continue to meet parents going through the same thing. They’re smart, motivated, and committed to finding a better way. But everywhere they turn is a dead end.

Until now. 

That group you’ve been searching for like I was has arrived at last. I can vouch for it wholeheartedly because after years of watching amazing parents feel exhausted and frustrated by being denied the support and resources they deserve, I created a home for them myself. The Empowered Parenting Group is finally here to ensure your whole family thrives. 

This is a life changing opportunity for parents who desire community support in addition expanding their knowledge and ability to be peaceful, confident, and resilient no matter what’s happening around them. 

Disclaimer: I only work with families who are willing to take a “top down” approach, meaning the parents are willing to work on themselves and recognize that their own well being is crucial to their child’s growth and development. While I have no judgment towards parents who hand their children off to therapists and caregivers all day, often because they are too anxious or stressed to be hands on themselves, I don’t work with them because they won’t get the results they desire for their children until they are meaningful participants in the process. I already know you are, which is fantastic.

Here’s how it works:

The Empowered Parenting Group

  • The group meets during one live call per week, which involves coaching and solutions to elevate your child's growth AND yours.  

  • You receive unlimited support between sessions in a private, members only facebook group, where you can ask for guidance at any time, as well as connect with other members and be part of a strong, uplifting community.

  • Frequent teaching and coaching on crucial topics via live streams within the group (the general public won’t have access to these). 

After 20+ years of being a seasoned yoga teacher who still practices daily using time tested tools for nervous system regulation, a coach and consultant for several years in some of the worlds most effective programs, and parenting a nonspeaking teen with ASD and apraxia who communicates and thrives, it’s an honor to combine all of my gifts to serve this group.

Enrollment Options:

  •  3 month commitment ($297/month)

  • 12 month commitment ($287/month), a savings of $120

  •  12 month commitment ($3333/year), a savings of $231

Get ready to watch your life transform before your eyes. But don’t take my word for it. Join us and see for yourself. 


Questions? Don’t worry, we’ve got you. Scroll through these FAQs and if you don’t see your question, email amber@sarayoga.com

How does the group assemble?

The group will be a private, members only Facebook group. Our live calls will be held via zoom. Reminders and links for the live calls will be sent via email and also posted in the group for easy access.

Who leads the weekly calls?

Sara Intonato will be leading all weekly calls, with the exception of vetted experts who will occasionally be invited to provide valuable information and resources.

When are the calls? Are there call replays if I can’t make it live?

Calls are Tuesdays at 1:30pm EST. And yes! We know life happens, so all calls are recorded and replays made available within 24 hours. That said, the opportunity to receive live coaching from Sara is invaluable, so do everything you can to prioritize being on calls live and with your camera on. 

Do I have the chance to speak with Sara 1:1?

Weekly calls will be for all group members to attend and learn, but will also provide the opportunity for individualized attention to ask questions and receive support. FOUNDING MEMBERS receive a bonus 60 minute 1:1 session at no charge upon enrollment, so if a private session with Sara is important to you, take advantage of this opportunity!!!

What is the size of the group?

The group will start small (probably 10 people) and grow over time. We haven’t put a specific cap on it, but will do so if needed to ensure everyone receives the attention they deserve. We value delivering a powerful, personal experience for all members.

Do I get access to any special perks as a group member?

You sure do! Anytime Sara unveils a new product or service you will receive special pricing and first option to purchase. Additionally, anytime there is a sale being offered to the public you’ll receive the first option for that too. FOUNDING MEMBERS also lock in the $3200 annual rate forever, a perk nobody else receives. 

Can I join as a Founding Member but pay monthly?

At this time the Founding Member enrollment option is only available via the single payment option ($3200, billed annually). Those who prefer monthly payments are encouraged to join using the 3 month enrollment option. 

I know you’re busy and it’s probably tempting to let this webpage collect dust in your browser while you do a million other things. If that comes up for you, ask yourself honestly where you’ll be one year from now if you continue to avoid receiving the support you’ve been craving. 

Spoiler alert: You won’t be in the same place you’re in now. Your suffering will be much more painful knowing you’ve wasted yet another year of your and your child’s life knowing things could have finally been different if you hadn’t dragged your feet. 

I know diving into something new can feel like a leap of faith. But when you break your situation down, you can’t afford not to. 

Join The Empowered Parenting Group today and be on our next call