Working with Parents

Can just one hour transform your journey as a parent? It seems rather striking that you could sit down with me for an hour and experience such a profound shift in perspective that your life won’t be the same again (in the best possible way).  

 The fact that you’re reading this means you’re probably like most of my clients. You’re smart, committed to your neurodiverse/disabled child’s wellbeing, and attempting to balance a million other responsibilities. You *should* be sleeping easily at night because you’re a strong mom who goes above and beyond for her kids all day. But instead you lay awake at night wondering what you’re doing wrong.

 There’s a tornado swirling about in your mind trying to piece together all the moving parts of parenting a neurodiverse child while waiting for every last thing to click into place so you can finally slow down and exhale. Am I right or am I right?

You know in your gut there are better, more fulfilling options for your child out there somewhere, but you don’t know where to find them. 

You’ve noticed that when times get tough or circumstances get difficult, you default into poor habits. Taking care of yourself becomes an afterthought, even though you’d never drop the ball on your child’s wellbeing. 

 You know you need to manage your stress levels before you drain yourself of all your energy, but you don’t know how. 

 You are unwilling to accept the status quo for your child. What’s acceptable for many families of neurodiverse kids is not acceptable to you. You want more and you’re not afraid to admit it. 

 Deep down you hope there is some spiritual purpose in your life for having a child that’s different, but you don’t know what it is. In the difficult moments you question if there’s meaning behind it, or if you were just dealt an unfair hand. 

Imagine feeling energized, confident, healthy, rested, joyful, and fully present every single day?

 I’m simply evidence that it’s possible. But I’m not going to lie to you and pretend there’s no work involved. Working with me requires you to take an honest look at your own life. We’ll look at how putting everything else ahead of your own wellbeing is actually hurting your children. We’ll create a path for you to be confident and courageous so you stop giving your power away to others (even the “experts”). If you desire a happy, peaceful life for your children that allows them to fulfill their full potential, it has to start with you.

 I’d be lying to say you can do it alone. 

Don’t tell yourself you’ll do it later. Later never happens. You cannot stop the chaos from happening. You can arm yourself with tools to remain centered amidst the mess. What do you hope to gain by waiting?

You might say you should invest the funds in something else. But if you’re like most of my clients, you’re ALREADY investing in therapists and solutions, but you’re still waking up in a cold sweat at night. Have you considered where you and your child will be one year from now if you don’t do something different now?

You’ll leave the road map call with a strategy map of your most vital next steps for your child to thrive so that you can FINALLY HAVE CLARITY and start taking action where it’s most needed instead of losing sleep at night, worried you’re doing the wrong thing.