Grounding Yourself in a High Stakes Situation

On today's podcast episode we’re addressing one of the most frequently asked questions I receive.

"How do I ground and center myself in the middle of a high stakes situation?"

High stakes moments can translate to a LOT of stress, especially when it impacts your child's schooling, health, or emotional well-being.

When I left teaching yoga full-time, I figured I’d no longer teach the skills I have learned in my 20 years on the mat.

The joke was on me!

I find myself talking about yoga principles on the regular with my clients who desire to calm their nervous systems, which is exactly what we're going to talk about today.

I cannot emphasize enough that what you’re hearing in this episode is meant to be applied in your daily life, ESPECIALLY when things around you get pretty intense.

You have tools, and I’m here to help you use them.


It’s Time to Trust Your Gut Feelings