Breaking the glass ceilings around Autism one family at a time.

 “How long have you been telling yourself that you don’t need help navigating life as a parent to a child with special needs? What do you hope to gain by waiting?”

To all the parents of Neurodiverse children, I see how hard you’re working to hold everything (and yourselves) together.

If you’re doing everything you can and still rate your confidence at a 1 out of 10, you’re in the right place.

If you’re exhausted, emotionally drained, and worried about the future, you’re in the right place.

If you don’t accept the status quo because you want MORE for your child (but you aren’t sure how to get there), you’re in the right place.  

If you’re committed to becoming:

  • Courageous and confident as a parent

  • Someone who finds and provides better options and results for your children 

  • Stronger self care practices (and the energy and boundaries to make them happen)

  • Peaceful, so the energy in your home be calm instead of tense

  • A practitioner of spiritual tools to maintain your endurance on this parenting journey

  • A stronger bond between yourself and your child

Need to manage your stress levels, stat?

Our Services

Working with Parents

You want to navigate your parenting journey with confidence and peace of mind. You KNOW it’s possible, but you have no idea where to start. You’re tired of constantly spinning your wheels but never actually going anywhere. I’m here to get you off the merry go round. 

Working with Children

Sara is a Certified Rapid Prompt Method provider. She will work with your child using this proven method to empower the learner with the best possible means to express thoughts, understanding, reasoning, and learning at that instant of learning

Consulting for Businesses and Organizations

In addition to her work with neurodiverse children and their parents, Sara holds virtual and in person training for businesses, school districts, and organizations of all sizes to support their mission to be safe, empowering environments for those with neurodiversities and disabilities. 

Testimonial From Client

“I’ve learned so much from you, Sara! And You were right when you said that I’d be a totally different person at the end of our 6 months. Now I’m standing in my power and advocating for my daughter. Putting self-care as my top priority.”

— Judit Petz

Full Potential Podcast

It’s Time to Get Vulnerable

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The Journey I Never Wanted to Take

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It’s Time to Trust Your Gut Feelings

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Ground Yourself in a High Stakes Situation

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Get Started with Sara Today!